Garage|21 Performing Arts Center was founded in December 2012 in Corfu Island with the vision to promote dance as performance art, to support the research in new dance forms, kinetic textures and connect the local community with the artistic work of invited artists.
Since its inception Garage|21 runs an Artistic Residency program that has already hosted over 80 artists, providing a free space to explore and create.
The program’s goal is to promote research, creation and further development of current forms applied in the field of performing arts.
*Most of these works have already premiered, in big theatres & festivals around the world.

In total Garage|21 Performing arts center since 2013 has presented the work of more than 110 artists and dance companies (already-made productions and work in progress) while in the training program had organised about an equal number of workshops & masterclasses.
In collaboration with Exin organization, Garage|21 had the opportunity to host in September 2018 in Corfu island, 68 dance professionals from 42 countries around the world for an intensive 1-month workshop, led by David Zambrano. During their staying all the participants had the chance to showcase their work in Garage Performing Arts Center.
Garage21 is a non-profit organisation that most of its artistic activities so far are self-financed.
Our organisation model runs under the form of exchange.