Since 2013 at our center has been performed, at-list 45 ready-made productions and premiers,
from artists and dance companies based all around the world.
Between Space & Time It's All Movement
Evaggelia Randou
choreography: Evangelia Randou
performers: Elina Vlanti, Antzela Vrachlioti, Evangelia Randou
assistant choreographer: Mary Randou
ligths design: Antonis Chondrogiannis
video teaser/photos: Myrto Gatsiou
production: Garage21
Premiere 4.08.2021 at Rena Vlachopoulou Theatre - Mon Repos

Her: A portrait of changes
The project “Her: A portrait of changes attempts to create a kaleidoscope of images and formations among the three performers, who constantly change and transform themselves as an undivided organization or as beings.
Concept-choreography: Evangelia Rantou
Performers/contributors : Melina Kyrtata, Natali Mandila,
Mary Rantou
Sound design: Sotus Bo
Light design : Antonis Chondrogiannis
Video: Michael Kapetanidis
Photography : Giorgos Terzis
Graphic Design: Vasia Milliou
Production: Garage | 21
* NEON Grants scheme 2018/2019